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I am a Conversation + Product Designer & Visual Thinker. My practice includes designing technologies informed by user research with a focus on the future of digital technologies and human-machine interactions with a subject matter expertise in Conversational Interfaces (chatbots and voice-bots), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Wearables & Healthcare.

I have a keen interest in desgining emerging technologies with a critical lens and a systems thinking approach for ethical human-centred adoption in previously unexplored scenarios. I did my B.Des in Product Design from the NID India and an MDes in Digital Futures at OCADU.



childhood memory of me drawing

My earliest childhood memories are of me scribbling mountains with my grandmother. Now every time I doodle I am drawn back to those wonder-filled afternoons making me feel more like a five-year old now than I ever filling me with a child-like wonder. From working in a young healthcare startup to building a master's thesis on sociable voice user interfaces, it is this child-like wonder that has shaped me into a Design Mutant, curious to take up new challenges and wear multiple hats and support my team and clients.

I see my role as that of a problem solver, one who steps in to simplify available information, decode user-behaviour and brings method to madness. 

I enjoy being the occasional fly-on-the-wall observing people in their element and making talking bots. When I am not working you can find me reading, doodling, binge-watching, DIY-ing, organizing spaces or making paper-planes.


A pen, a sketchbook, chai and eggs 🍳


How might we make technology more human and delightful, to solve for people’s unmet needs?


R.K. Laxman | Jane Fulton Suri | Dieter Rams  & the people around me! 🤩


Naoto Fukasawa, the book. 📕

It was my introduction to seeing Design as a practice and philosophy, a way of being.


Sketches in Voice User Interfaces: Relational Conversations with Virtual Personal Assistants in Domestic Spaces
Masters thesis, OCAD University. ISBN 978-1-77835-090-0 , 2021
Patent: Ocular Screening
Pub. no. WO/2018/100589, PCT/IN2017/050561 , 2016
Visualizing Wellness: The Myant Skiin System Connected Life App
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Supporting Everyday Life Activities
7th International Conference, ITAP 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 24–29, 2021, Proceedings, Part II
Textile Game Controllers: Exploring Affordances of E-Textile Techniques as Applied to Alternative Game Controllers
ACM Digital Library · Feb 1, 2021 | TEI '21: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
Designing for Comprehensive Healthcare: A ground zero study and system
synthesis from India
RSD7, The 7th Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium, 2018
Access to Electricity-A Case Study for a Decentralized People-Centric Energy
model for India
RSD7, The 7th Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium, 2018
InterCARE: A Cloud Computing Patient Care System
In proceedings; IndiaHCI Conference 2014 (ACM Digital Library)


Empowering  Caregivers in Immunization Innovation Challenge
Community Fellow, Challenge Team

OpenIDEO + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Healthy Bones Healthy Aging Challenge

Community Fellow, Challenge Team

OpenIDEO + UCB, AARP Innovation, VA Innovation Center, National Osteoporosis Foundation, & TMC Innovation

iSHOW India, ASME Grand prize 2017

ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

Winning Start-up

Representing Brun Health Pvt. Ltd.

Singularity University Global Impact Challenge (GIC) India 2018
Winning Start-up

Representing Brun Health Pvt. Ltd.

4 Collaborative Design Tips from OpenIDEO’s Community Fellows
Reflections as a Community Fellow


How to Build a Vibrant Global Community, Virtually
Tips & Tricks on working virtually


Lets's connect 🙌🏽

Thank you! 🎉
I will get back to you soon.

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